Using the Browser

First, choose New Browser (Command-N) from the file menu. This will open the Data Hammer web browsing window.

You can use Data Hammer's browser just like any other web browser. Type in a URL, hit Return, and off it goes.

Use the Back (Command-[) and Forward (Command-]) buttons to the left of the URL field to navigate.

If you'd like to open a link in a new Data Hammer browser window hold down Command when you click the link.

Also, you can hold down Option while clicking a link to open it in your web browser, either Netscape Communicator or Internet Explorer.

If you'd like to view the current page in your web browser, just hit Command-K.

After Data Hammer loads a page, it will automatically summarize it and put the results in the window. Data Hammer will attempt to sense whether or not the page is an 'index' page or an 'article' page. If it seems to be an index page, or a list of articles, it will display all the links by toggling the "Show All" button. If the page seems to be an article, it will display a summary, untoggling the "Show All" button.

So if you want to see the entire page, with all of its links, toggle the "Show All" button, located to the right of the slider. If you'd only like to see a summary of the page, untoggle the "Show All" button or move the slider.

To increase or decrease the length of the summary, just slide the slider.